- Packaging Design
- Activations
Belvedere was shaking up the spirits industry with the debut of its new luxury vodka, Belvedere 10. With a striking new bottle design and a Taika Waititi-directed short film ready to drop, we created an influencer and press kit that took unboxing to the next level.
Paying tribute to the brand’s origin, Belvedere 10 is inspired by the vodka making process used in 1910 when the distillery was first established. Made from a single harvest of organic diamond rye, Belvedere 10 is rumoured to be one of the most exclusive vodkas in existence. Ahead of its launch, Belvedere gave us the job of creating a ‘disruptive, elevated and unique’ influencer and press kit for this premium offering that would cause a stir among top tier influencers and editors. Understandably, Belvedere was after more than just a bottle in a box.

Our task was two-fold: to create something that positioned Belvedere 10 as the ultimate luxury vodka and generate excitement around a launch film by Oscar-winning director Taika Waititi. Following his directorial debut for Belvedere (featuring a dancing Daniel Craig), he was back with a cryptic short starring himself and Atlanta rapper Future. Watching the pair perform an elaborate handshake to release a bottle of Belvedere 10 in the film, our cogs began to turn.

We started thinking of unexpected ways to add excitement and intrigue to the packaging design. Belvedere 10 is undoubtedly a rare and enigmatic spirit. The question was: how could we pack and deliver a little theatre in the unboxing? We found our answer in The da Vinci Code. No, really. Inspired by the fictitious portable vault, called a Cryptex, used by da Vinci to hide secret messages, we designed a Belvedere puzzle box with a twist.

Our stacked hexagon design was informed by the striking geometric brutalism of the Belvedere 10 bottle. We couldn’t upstage its diamond-shaped chiselled facets and sleek ten-level stature if we tried. Instead, we focused on wrapping it in mystery and, in the spirit of modern luxury, a little wit and mischief. Using the handshake symbols as our code, we 3D-printed a prototype Cryptex to test our concept. Like a combination lock, when the disks are aligned in the right sequence the entire cylinder slides apart.

The Belvedere 10 kit was encased in a bespoke gift box embellished with gold foiling. For any receiver struggling to crack the code, we included a tear strip hidden in the base of the box to reveal the correct sequence of symbols.

A complex concept almost always means complex production. But with detailed drawings and 3D prints, we were able to manage the entire process from design to prototyping through to the final product. In total, 160 individually numbered ‘crypt-hexes’ were constructed and finished by hand. With numerous components and processes involved with each one – including custom-rolled aluminium tube sections and multiple coats of paint – construction needed to be millimetre perfect or else the locking/unlocking mechanism wouldn’t work and the bottle wouldn’t fit.

The Belvedere kit went out to top tier influencers and editors across the globe in Summer 2024. Judging by the publicity generated online, plus the number of views the film amassed in a few short weeks, the launch kit had the desired impact.